Thrust SSC - Mach 1 Club

ThrustSSC Mach 1 Club

Mach 1 News Issue 7

Sponsored by BTR


The modified club logo now adorns the nose of ThrustSSC while along the flanks at the rear are the numbers of those Gold Card members who paid for the privilege of having their number displayed. Why the change of logo? Well, it hasnÕt really changed at all, just been made simpler so that it could be turned into a logo. The surface of a land speed record car takes a fair amount of wear and tear, so all the sponsor logos have to be stickers that can be easily replaced, hence the need for the simplification of the logo. We did offer some different designs but the one you voted for was the one closest to the original.

Wear and tear also got the better of the paintwork along the sides of SSC, and with it the Gold Card numbers, which were lightly barbecued by the intense heat from the flames of the Spey afterburners. Slight cross winds on some runs meant flames licking the sides producing some interesting patterns that will send avid car modellers into a frenzy when they try to reproduce the finish on the inevitable large scale models that some of them are bound to produce at some time in the future. In the meantime, weÕll repaint the numbers and maybe put them in a slightly different location. Just for the record, here are those people who contributed £100 each to add their number:

Norman Anderson, Royston Bennett, J W Birch, John Burbidge, Alan Cane, Rick Croft, Giles Cockburn, Rob Coy, A R Davidson, Terry Dobbs, John Foord, Ian Glover, Nigel Grant, H Harradence, Christopher Harrison, R S Holden, David Horton, Christopher Horton, Graham Horton, Laura Horton, Jonathan Lee, David Levy, Peter Lovegrove, Barbie McSean, Chris Moorcroft, Graham Pike, Andrew Postlewhite, N J Potter, Allan Read, Mark Russell, Peter Thomas, Clive Tucker, Stanley Tucker, P J Watling, Dennis Whitlock.

One of the major advantages of being at Farnborough is that we have our own offices and storage space and the use of an appropriate PC and printer provided by computer hardware sponsor DIGITAL. This took a tremendous load off Sara Cook who had been processing all membership applications on her laptop and who needed to free up her time to pursue other activities. A big Thank You to Sara for all the work she has done and an equally big vote of thanks to Nigel Grant, Barbie McSean, Nick Chapman and Steve Georgii who between them have taken over from Sara. John Lovatt seems to have made the Mach 1 Club office his home, so we are now able to respond to and process mail much more efficiently.

For all those who still haven't joined the information revolution by getting yourselves hooked up to the Internet, Neal Fletcher has organised a fantastic telephone Hotline and FaxBack service courtesy of Dostana. From now until the team ships to Black Rock, the Hotline will be updated every week. From then on it will be daily as the race with Craig Breedlove gets underway. For those who prefer printed copy, use the fax number to get a transcript of the weekly message sent direct to your fax number. Couldn't be easier and you have no excuse for not knowing what's going on.

The important numbers for all services are:

Hotline: 0839 888 850

FaxBack: 0336 423 515


Project Update
Engineering Report
Thirteen days at Al JAfr
Jordan Team List
BTR - Driving Forward
Wheels for a jet car
Preparing for the main event
Performance data
Club Update
Competition Time

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