Thrust SSC

Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA - 19th September 1997

UK readers please note: the Black Rock Desert is on Pacific Daylight Time, 8 hours behind British Summer Time.

1630 hrs

ThrustSSC will now run tomorrow morning. Media wishing access to the Press Area opposite the measured mile should present themselves at Access 2 by 0700hrs.

1545 hrs

ThrustSSC's compressor wash has been completed.

1400 hrs

Spirit of America made a single run to a peak speed of around 380mph at 1345hrs.

ThrustSSC Project Status

0800 hrs

The ThrustSSC Team are on the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA, for the head-to-head race against the Spirit of America Team to set the first ever supersonic World Land Speed Record.

Microplex Web Cameras

The very latest status of the car and team on the Black Rock Desert can be seen through the live pictures from our Microplex Web Cameras.

Individual Status Reports


  1. ThrustSSC has reached a peak speed to date of 624mph on Friday 12th September 1997
  2. The car is on the desert being prepared for the next runs of the Black Rock Campaign


  1. The ThrustSSC Team are settled into life in Gerlach and on the Black Rock Desert

Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA

  1. The desert is dry for some 15 miles and the 13-mile course is good
  2. 20 tracks have been surveyed
  3. Tracks 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been used
  4. Tracks 3, 5, 6 and 20 have been lined and fodded from Mile 0 to Mile 13
  5. Track 19 has been fodded from Mile 0 to Mile 13 but needs lining
  6. Tracks 1 and 2 have lined from Mile 10 to Mile 12.5
  7. Occasional sumps are being filled as they are found


  1. The weather is generally cool to warm with a light breeze. Occasional dust storms are being kicked up by higher winds.
  2. Overnight rain has laid much the dust without turning the desert to mud
  3. Today has started cool with a light breeze

Web Site

  1. Accesses are currently running around 1,903,000 a week

Jeremy Duck...

... is most upset at being mistaken for Jeremy Davey.


Please check our Runs Database for the very latest information on the progress of ThrustSSC - the database is always updated as soon as possible after the car runs - and always before any report is written and published.

Spirit of America Project Status

(Please note: any details published on this Web Site about the status, speeds and plans of the Spirit of America Team are not official. Official details are available on the Spirit of America Team's Web Site at

The Spirit of America Team are on the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA, for the head-to-head race against the ThrustSSC Team to set the first ever supersonic World Land Speed Record.

  1. Spirit of America has reached a peak speed to date of 675mph on the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA, during the October 1996 record attempt
  2. Spirit of America has reached a 1997 peak speed to date of 330mph on the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA
  3. After returning to Rio Vista, California, for an engine change when a bolt was ingested into their J-79, the Spirit of America team returned with their car on Sunday night
  4. The team plan to run their car again today. The first run will be to around 350mph to check planned modifications made after lift was experienced at the rear.

Mazola Excursion

PR man and Mach 1 Club founder Robin Richardson has been staying on a local ranch. There is a gate at the entrance that he has to get out of the car to open. He pulled up to it in his Buick hire-car, left it in 'Drive', applied the parking brake, got out, and opened the gate. As he did so the wind blew the car door shut. Buick's have a security feature that locks all the doors when they are shut with the car in 'Drive'...

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