Thrust SSC

Project Status - Al Jafr, Jordan - 30th May 1997

The ThrustSSC Team are in Jordan continuing high-speed testing of ThrustSSC.

Microplex Web Cameras

The very latest information on the project in Jordan can be seen through the live pictures from our Microplex Web Cameras.

Individual Status Reports


  1. ThrustSSC has made two runs in Jordan to check for system leaks and prove the suspension and steering modifications
  2. One or two further runs to 200mph and 300mph are planned for today


  1. The Jordan2 operations team are finding the heat difficult but are in good spirits

Jafr Desert, Jordan

  1. The Jafr Desert, Jordan, has dried well after the winter floods and is now usable. The surface is generally better than 1996. Hardness is currently 14 or better on the California Bearing Ratio scale.
  2. The tracks have been surveyed and the white lines are being painted with 'jir'
  3. The Bedouin crossing tracks are being repaired
  4. Tracks 1, 10 and 11 are ready for use
  5. Track 12 is ready for use - miles 7.5 to 9 and 6 to 7 have been used
  6. Tracks 8 and 9 are in preparation - The difficult miles 0 to 0.5 have been done

Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA

  1. The Heads of Agreement with the Spirit of America team for this autumn's head-to-head race has been signed
  2. Negotiations with the Bureau of Land Management are underway for the operating permits


  1. Early mornings are cool and still
  2. By mid-morning it is very hot with a light breeze and clear skies
  3. In the afternoon the wind picks up, but the temperatures remain high
  4. Occasional dust storms are expected

Jeremy Duck

... is still wandering.


Please check our Runs Database for the very latest information on the progress of ThrustSSC - the database is always updated as soon as possible after the car runs - and always before any report is written and published.

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