Thrust SSC

Project Status - Al Jafr, Jordan - 29th November 1996

The Jafr Desert has been so badly flooded by a series of severe thunderstorms that the ThrustSSC Team has had to abandon the 1996 high-speed tests and are returning to England.


The need for modifications to the steering had been identified during the high-speed tests: these modifications have been completed but are currently untested due to the desert flooding.

Please check our Runs Database for the very latest information on the progress of ThrustSSC - the database is always updated as soon as possible after the car runs - and always before any report is written and published.


The desert is flooded and inaccessible due to heavy rain. The flow of water onto the desert from the surounding area has now slowed from a torrent to a trickle.

Desert Pits

Due to the flooding, the Desert Pits have been evacuated.


Today is bright and sunny with a light breeze.

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