Thrust SSC

Project Status - Al Jafr, Jordan - 23rd November 1996


A further run on Thursday revealed modifications required to the steering for the high-speed desert environment. These modifications are expected to take around three days.

Please check our Runs Database for the very latest information on the progress of ThrustSSC - the database is always updated as soon as possible after the car runs - and always before any report is written and published.


Recent rain has softened the concrete-hard desert and laid the copious amounts of dust - to the team's relief. The softer surface may increase rolling resistance and assist ThrustSSC in stopping from higher speeds.

A number of the white lines have faded in dust-storms and with the rain - these are being repainted with jir - a white lime mix as required.

'De-fodding’ - collecting all stones and other debris - is in progress. Tracks 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16 and 17 (of a total of seventeen) are completed.

Tracks 17, 16 (part) and 15 have been used so far.

Desert Pits

The team equipment, including car, Merlo, Supacats, Pit Station Trailer and tools are now on site at the Desert Pits. The car is housed in an inflatable Aireshelta when being worked on.


(0800hrs) After a cloudless night, the desert this morning is cold and foggy with visibility increasing as the fog burns off.

(0915hrs) Another hot, sunny, still day.

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