Jeremy BlissVehicle Systems |
Current Residence: | Norwich, Horsham and Exeter |
DoB: | 16th May 1962 |
Place of birth: | Accra, Ghana |
Marital Status: | Single |
Career: | I got a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of London. I worked as a Lotus engineer on active suspension, aerodynamics, electronics and vehicle dynamics. |
How did you get involved in the project? | While talking to John Davis, and old boss of mine, I was musing aloud on how my active suspension experience was not being used to good effect. John knew about the ThrustSSC project and knew there would be a chance that I could get involved. Of course I did! |
Responsibilities in the UK: | I am responsible for vehicle systems, including hydraulics, electronics and suspension, data telemetry and associated "stuff". |
Responsibilities in Jordan and the US: | These don't change much while we are away. |
Previous crazy ventures: | My life! |
Car: | Citroen BX GTi |
Favourite Music: | Any type with notes, although I was a punk in the '70s. |
What sort of books would you read if you had the time? | I enjoy reading sci-fi and whatever Ruth gives me. I've just read the last in the 2001 series by Arthur C. Clarke. |
Hobbies: | None. |
What do you want to do when the project is over? | No idea. |
What have you learned from this experience? | Not to do it again! |
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