Thrust SSC - Supersonic Race Update

Black Rock Campaign Funds

Please print out or copy the form and see instructions below.

Note to overseas customers: Visa and Mastercard will convert UK pounds sterling into your own currency at the time of the transaction.

I would like to do my bit to help the ThrustSSC Team continue their quest towards the Sound Barrier on the Black Rock Desert by contributing ........................ to the project's funds.


* I would like to be included in the online list of supporters / I would like to remain anonymous

* I authorise ThrustSSC to charge ................. (UK pounds sterling) to the following account
Visa/Mastercard No:.......................................................... Expiry Date:...........


* I enclose a cheque for ................ (UK pounds sterling) drawn on a UK bank account and payable to SSC Programme Ltd.

(* delete whichever is not applicable)

How to contribute by Post

  1. Print off and complete this form
  2. Include one of the following with the form: Overseas customers please remember: Visa and Mastercard will convert UK pounds sterling into your own currency at the time of the transaction.
  3. Send via postal services to:
    PO BOX 77,
    TW12 2XN

How to contribute by Fax

  1. Print off and complete this form
  2. Include one of the following with the form: Overseas customers please remember: Visa and Mastercard will convert UK pounds sterling into your own currency at the time of the transaction.
  3. Fax the form to: +44-(0)181-941-1165 (U.K.)

How to contribute by Email

  1. Give your name and address
  2. Add Visa or Mastercard credit card details & authorisation allowing us to charge the total amount (UK pounds sterling)
    Overseas customers please remember: Visa and Mastercard will convert UK pounds sterling into your own currency at the time of the transaction.
  3. Be sure to let us know if we can publish your name and town/city
  4. Send the email to:

Thank-you for your help!

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© SSC Programme Ltd, 1997