Thrust SSC - Sponsors

Sosoft Supply Voice Over The Hughes PES For The Land Speed Record Attempt

Sosoft Ltd has supplied the CANTATA, a unique telephony voice/fax codec from Sosoft Ltd, to Richard Noble, Team Leader and Director of ThrustSSC, to help him communicate in the desert during his campaign to go supersonic on land. ThrustSSC is the UK's contribution to the 1997 world-wide competition to beat the land speed record.

The CANTATA is a versatile one voice and one data channel multiplexer which uses Codebook Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) voice compression down to 4.8Kbps, providing communication over an asynchronous or synchronous composite link. An async or sync data channel up to 256Kbps can operate simultaneously and the integral FAX relay operates automatically to select voice or FAX.

Originally developed to be an order wire product for the Fairchild satellite modem, CANTATA has been further developed and used with such systems as the Hughes Personal Earth Station and TSAT - in both cases, the CANTATA provides the remote user with a 2 wire link into a PABX or telephone network.

The CANTATA can be configured for use on 2 or 4-wire analogue circuits. The voice interface is connected to a PABX or telephone handset with all main signalling standards and ringing facilities (FXO/FXS) built in as standard. The composite link and data channel are presented as X.21, V.35 or RS232.

"The safety of the car is absolutely crucial. In Jordan, we had a problem with the Non-Return Valves; a simple yet important device which prevents the fuel tank from blowing up. During the first engine run, a reverse flow was sensed, even though both pumps were working. The fuel usage from each tank was different, and outside the limits of pump variation. An inspection showed that the badly mounted non-return valves had twisted in the delivery pipes, and on removal were also found to be of the wrong type. By using the CANTATA, we were able to contact the UK over Satellite. This enabled us to identify the correct type of valves in the UK extremely quickly and arranged for them to be sent to us. The company also faxed me the details and dimensions. With this information, I was then able to redesign an entirely different type of mounting on a CAD system. The drawings were then faxed through to Defence Research Agency (DRA) Farnborough to enable them to make a valve in stainless steel as per my drawings; it was flown direct to the Al Jafr Desert in Jordan and we fitted the replacement valve with excellent success. The whole process from initial problem, to manufacture and installation took just three days! Without that vital communication, we could have been looking at least a week!" Glynne Bowsher, Chief Mechanical Designer for ThrustSSC.

"During our head to head races against the Americans at Black Rock Desert in the USA next October, our links to the UK will be absolutely vital". Jeremy Davey, Internet & Satellite Communications Manager.

Indeed, Sosoft's voice/fax multiplexer's have performed so well that Sosoft are pleased to be extending their sponsorship by sending out more voice/data multiplexers to ThrustSSC in May.

The CANTATA can be used in a wide variety of applications. So if you think you have an unusual application, or simply need to integrate voice and data over leased lines, contact Julian Bashford at Vocality, Sosoft's sales arm on:

  Tel: +44-(0)1494-485021

Take the stress away and let your challenge be our challenge!


For more information on press relations, please contact

Sharon Phillips
Freelance Marketing

Tel & Fax: +44-(0)181-868 4387
For more technical information, please contact:
Julian Bashford
Vocality Ltd

  Tel: +44-(0)1494-485021
  Fax: +44-(0)1494-484209

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