Thrust SSC - Media Zone

Thrustbrief 10 - 3rd June 1997

ThrustSSC Prepares To Exceed 500mph

Modifications complete

The modifications to ThrustSSC have been completed with the fitting of the SPAX dampers to control the steering over the uneven surface, and the changes to the parachute to increase high speed stability.

Runs for Tuesday 3rd June

ThrustSSC is now ready for its 450 and 500 mph ground speed runs, moving on to higher speeds tomorrow if these are successful. The competition is hotting up as Rosco McGlashan heads for Lake Gairdner in Australia, and the North American Eagle has run at Toledo airport, Centralia, Washington.

Super Puma Helicopter

The Royal Jordanian Air Force have generously made available a military medical evacuation helicopter for a nominal daily sum.

It will be flown in from Amman on ThrustSSC run days, and position itself at the King Faisal Airbase, Al Jafr on standby alert and fully crewed.

Constraints on Run Times on ThrustSSC

Due to rising temperatures, it is becoming critical to run ThrustSSC before 9:30am - first run is planned for 6:00am. The rising temperatures in the car's equipment bays makes the computer power supplies shut down as a fail-safe mechanism.

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