Thrust SSC - Sponsors

Fanning Polyform

ThrustSSC Track Marker Available In Only Two Weeks

Richard Noble director of the ThrustSSC program visited sponsor Fanning Polyform to discuss a very special need. During the high speed runs the vehicle would require markers placed each side of the track at one mile intervals. His previous experiences enabled him to detail his requirements and Fanning Polyform were able to use their CAD system to develop the product in record time. Most traffic sign systems use metal or concrete as ballast to hold them in position. However, as the Track Markers needed to be air freighted to the desert locations where runs were to take place, it was necessary that they were both light in weight but capable of being filled with ballast to hold them in position. Fanning Polyform designed the bases to be filled with the surface material of the desert itself. When markers were being moved they could be emptied and then relocated.

The ThrustSSC program had an additional requirement for the Track Markers. Despite the wide open spaces of the desert it would be necessary to provide certain roped-off enclosures for parking and spectators as well as additional signs for traffic access and information. Fanning Polyform therefore devised the Track Marker as a modular system that could be used for whichever purpose it was required.

Normally it takes approximately twelve weeks from design to finished product. In order that the product should be ready for the UK Press Day Fanning Polyform condensed their processes and completed the program from design to product in two weeks.

For further information contact:

Chris Fecher,
Fanning Polyform,
Coldstone Lane,
East Sussex.
BN3 7BB.

Tel: +44 (0)1273-723591
Fax: +44 (0)1273-822715

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