Thrust SSC - Media Zone

Thrustbrief 13 - 16th June 1997

ThrustSSC Team Starts The Long Haul To Nevada

ThrustSSC Jordan2 summary


Peak ground speed
Date and time SSC Run No. Target Speed
26/5/97 25 120 mph 136 mph
27/5/97 26 120 mph 114 mph
30/5/97 27 220 mph 208 mph
30/5/97 28 330 mph 301 mph
31/5/97 29 385 mph 379 mph
31/5/97 30 443 mph 410 mph*
30/5/97 31 465 mph 462 mph
31/5/97 32 465 mph 479 mph
31/5/97 33 554 mph 540 mph

*Estimated speed - data lost.

ThrustSSC achieved 63% of design speed achieved in nine runs carried out within 13 days of arrival at Al Jafr. The car exhibited excellent stability and also proved the performance prediction software. Faster speeds were not possible due to the damaging effect of the hard and rough desert surface on the cars suspension.

ThrustSSC Press Conference

To be held at the Science Museum South Kensington on Wednesday 18th June. The ThrustSSC Design Team and other team members will be on hand to show the Jordan video footage, explain the significance of the Jordan2 runs the workload that is needed to prepare ThrustSSC for Nevada and predictions for the very high speed and intended supersonic runs on Black Rock, starting September 2nd. Media representatives wishing to attend should fax the project on +44-(0)1252-514068 with details of their publications and e-mail addresses for their names to be added to the invitation list.

ThrustSSC returns home

Although the ThrustSSC Design Team has already returned home and are underway with the modification and upgrade programme in preparation for Black Rock, 8 members of the team have elected to stay in Jordan until the equipment load can be uplifted from Jafr and flown home in the huge HeavyLift-VolgaDnepr Antonov 124 freighter. Latest information from HeavyLift suggests that the ThrustSSC and its support equipment will be loaded on the 20th June and flown to Stansted on the 21st. The equipment will be immediately trucked to the teams base at DERA Farnborough.

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UK Media Update Service - Tel: 0839-888-850 (49p/min)

UK Fax Number: +44-(0)1252-514068

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