Thrust SSC

Project Status - Al Jafr, Jordan - 11th November 1996


Systems checks and panelling up of ThrustSSC are ongoing during today. Completion of the systems check is the final task before the first desert runs on Al Jafr desert - these are scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday 12th November.

The team's equipment is now being moved to the desert. Would anyone who contacts the team by email or the satellite telephone/fax line please note that the VSAT dish will move this afternoon and the Pit Stop Trailer first thing in the morning - communications by these means will be down until they are re-united (expected around 0800hrs GMT, 1000hrs local).


'De-fodding’ - collecting all stones and other debris - is in progress. Tracks 14, 15, 16 and 17 (of a total of seventeen) are completed and tracks 3, 4, and 5 are approaching completion. Once these three tracks have been done, tracks 1 and 2 will receive the attentions of the fodding team.

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