Thrust SSC - Supersonic Race Update

A Personal Note To Craig Breedlove

Dear Craig,

This note comes with our heartfelt relief that you made it through the accident in one piece and commiserations that you were unable to break our record on Black Rock this autumn. Records are meant to be broken and ours has stood for 13 years which is far too long.

We were astonished by the way you were able to build the speeds in the new Spirit of America which required a very high level of personal confidence and courage - all in the true Craig Breedlove manner which is no mean achievement for a person whose contemporaries are making retirement plans.

We wish you and the Spirit of America team a speedy rebuild (in the true Breedlove tradition!) and are counting on seeing you operational again in a very short time.

Best wishes,

The ThrustSSC team
Al Jafr, Jordan

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