Thrust SSC - Supersonic Race Update

ThrustSSC News From Al Jafr (3) - Monday 15th July 1996

by Andrew Noble

Grading work in Jafr Desert
(Grading work in Jafr Desert)

  1. Track Development:As we have some more time before the car arrives, more track work is being carried out by the Royal Jordanian Air Force Runway Repair Team. Whereas some crusted areas of track have previously been graded flat, the surrounding run-off areas had not been done... Also the remaining dust from the grading is being rollered flat to remove any potential 'FOD' danger it might have presented.
  2. Track Marking:One of the jobs we dreaded: we have found good solutions for the material to use to make white lines for Andy green to follow, which is white lime mixed with salt and water, locally called 'JIR'. This, in liquid form, is carried in a large tank in a pickup, applied via a pipe and rose to the desert. The difficulty is to drive a dead stright line between the lane markers, spaced ½ mile apart. The search for 'one eyed Jack' in the R.J.A.F. as a lane driver proved fruitless. Various sights have been fitted and tried to eliminate parallax of vision, without success. Latest method is stretching cords between the ½ mile markers to follow. We start this afternoon!
  3. Local Interest - Al Jafr:All airbase personnel are keenly awaiting the arriveal of Thrust SSC, several even planning to forego a planned leave to be there for the arrival, to see the car and the Antonov. The officers and F5 Squadron pilots have all now seen the Thrust 2 film "For Britain And The Hell Of It" and know what to expect. Many have been out to the track, often their first trip out there despite years on base.
    In Al Jafr village, the offices of the local administrator and the mayor have Thrust SSC posters... Local Bedouin people know that a big car is coming to their desert. The "Badia", the Bedouin police force, will be closing off the desert roads during runs. Just today a Sheikh came out to the desert to see the SSC advance party. He came in his old red Mercedes with red velvet interior ad red velvet dashboard Kleenex box, driven smartly by his 9-year old son! He was determined to show the team a 30km track on the desert. This involved a longish search, finally locating a 15km track with a huge bend in the middle and major stone fields. We decided to stick with our 16.4km track!!
  4. Local Interest - Amman:There have been articles in all Jordan's newspapers each week, both in English and Arabic. An interview done 10 days ago by Jordan TV has now been shown 8 times on different English and Arabic channels. Our Press Agents, Haifa from the Forte Grand Hotel, and Bader from the R.A.C. Club, have kept a great supply of information and Press Releases flowing. A major Press Conference is planned for 17th July at the R.A.C. Club, including showing the Thrust 2 film. Whereas H.R.H. Prince Feisal is on his summer holiday in Spain, His Majesty King Hussein is being kept advised of the Project's progress. He is expected to attend whenever possible and is reputed to have once thought about having a jetcar built for himself! We hope to have the chance to ask him about this!
  5. Travel To Al Jafr:Executive Airline flying "Dash 8" aircraft, is very excited about the Thrust SSC trials and is to offer special prices on early morning flights from Amman to Al Jafr. These will be organised together with the Forte Grand Hotel, Amman.
  6. Forte Grand Hotel, Amman:The SSC Project link, in Amman. Forte Grand unveil a new display this week devoted to Thrust SSC in their foyer, with Thrust merchandise on sale. They will have the latest daily news, press service, special trips to the trials with full Forte Grand catering and special rates for Sponsors and Supporters. They hope also to have Internet access in the foyer.

Track markings
(Track markings)

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