The ThrustSSC Project is now well into its major fund raising push needed to get the car and the team to the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, at the end of August to take part in the head-to-head race with the American Spirit of America team. As usual the Daily Telegraph Mach 1 Club is doing its bit by holding several Open Days for club members and their guests to come to Farnborough, see the car and meet members of the team.
So far, open days have been held on consecutive Sundays in July. Approximately 200 eager visitors have arrived each day to see the stripped down car, the facilities at P8.R Shed and meet members of the team. It has been good to see so many familiar faces but we have also welcomed many new ones, making their first visit to ThrustSSC at Farnborough.
The basic format for each Open Day is roughly the same - members of the Project Team make presentations to the audience who avidly absorb every scrap of information. However each day has a little something to make it special. Those Club members who attended the second Open Day were able to watch the rear wheel steer Mini being driven outside P8.R shed.
At the first Open Day Andy Green talked through video footage of what it is like to travel at 450 mph on the ground. His talks are always very entertaining and it is quite obvious that he is thoroughly looking forward to the head-to-head race with Craig Breedlove in September. The video footage shown of ThrustSSC running at 450 mph is taken from two viewpoints - the tail fin and inside the cockpit. It was amazing to see how the desert sand still managed to get into the cockpit, which was thought to be airtight! Andy is always more than willing to talk to the supporters and their guests about any aspect of the project and the end of the day usually sees him helping out on the busy merchandise counter. Very few Supporters clubs will allow you direct access to the lead driver - remember this is part of the uniqueness of the Daily Telegraph Mach 1 Club!
Jeremy Bliss also expressed his total confidence in the project (either that or he's being paid too much!) by making a bet with everyone in the room that within 5 days of running at Black Rock the team would be in a position to call in the time keepers. Let's just hope he is right!
Jeremy Davey, the Webmaster and satellite communications expert, also spoke to the audience outlining plans for the future of the ThrustSSC Web Site. The Web Site is the easiest way of keeping people up to date with progress and the aim is to get 1 million accesses in a day, something which should easily be achieved once the car goes to the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. However, to do this there is a need to increase awareness of the site. Members of the Internet team are already working on a publicity campaign, but the best publicity we can get is personal recommendation or word of mouth. At both Open Days, club members have been asked to write to at least 10 friends telling them about the Web site.
Don't forget - the address is!!
The Web Site has gone from strength to strength thanks to Jeremy's skills and dedication and this has not gone unnoticed in the computer world. The Web Site is already featured on Microsoft's "Best of the Web" pages, as well being "Site of the Day" and receiving coverage from MSN News. It has been nominated for a number of "Web Site of the Year" awards, including the upcoming FT "Business Web Site Of The Year" competition. At the first Open Day Club founder Robin Richardson (who works for Digital) announced that Jeremy Davey has just been given a prestigious award by Digital in recognition of his innovative work - but would not give details! At the second Open Day, Dr David Probert from Digital's Internet Business Group presented Jeremy Davey with the WebM@ster Excellence Award, yet another public recognition of the pioneering work he and his team have done.
A now familiar feature of the Open Days is the Auction. Richard Noble always bills this as a way of cheating the City as it is generally agreed that purchasing a piece of ThrustSSC is a good investment. It is a chance for club members to acquire a piece of motoring history and contribute towards the project. At both the Auctions, bidding has been very intense. Some of the lots have included a piece of titanium removed from the rear of car following modification, a section of the parachute used in Jordan, two of Andy Green's Pre-Run Check Lists, Fechers signed by the Team and the first Machmeter used on the car. Each item comes with a certificate of authentication signed by Richard Noble. Bidding has been very high and considerable income has been generated. Again a big thank you to everyone who has contributed.
The BBC are making a programme about the Project and a film crew were working very hard at the second Open Day, as well as other members of the press who were also there. It is good to see the media taking such a close interest in the project.
There has been a definite change to the atmosphere at P8.R Shed. There is a great deal of pressure to raise £600,000 by the end of August, yet the team is very confident about the car. It has been proved that it can run successfully at over 500mph and that the design is inherently safe.
The Daily Telegraph Mach 1 Club days have been very successful so far. If you haven't been able to get to one yet, there is just one more opportunity for you to come to Farnborough. A Black Rock Farewell Open Day is being held on 10th August - details are in Bulletin 12 which is being posted to you. If you are not already a member, then simply complete the application form that you can find on the Mach 1 Club Pages on this Web Site.
If you are already a member this will be the last chance you will have to come and see the car and talk to the team before it goes to the Black Rock Desert. There will be plenty of opportunities to buy one of the Project's unique products such as the Timex watch, T-shirts, Postcards, a Black Rock certificate or even the magnificent new Boardroom Model of ThrustSSC. Why not bring your friends and family or persuade them to become members and bring their friends and family. And of course, you could take part in what could be one of the most exciting auctions of the summer - your last chance to take part of ThrustSSC away in your hands. Come and help us make this a day to remember. We hope you can be there - we will and we all look forward to meeting you!
The author of this article, Barbie McSean, Barbie McSean, is an active Mach 1 Club member, and a member of the ThrustSSC Internet Team. Barbie is an honorary platinum member of the Mach 1 Club. |
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