Another 0400hrs breakfast - the team stagger into the 'Jafr Sheraton' with bleary eyes. Some wander round like zombies, quietly filling bowls with cereal or scraping butter onto toast. Some chat quietly, asking each other if they slept well. Such are English customs - why do we insist on asking each other if we slept well when the last alarm clocks go off at half past three in the morning?
By 0430 everyone is making for the desert. By 0500 the car is being got ready and preparations made for the visiting media and VIPs - a group from the British Embassy in Amman being due to spectate.
The exact profiles to be run had been determined by Ron Ayers. The estimated 490mph peak speed of yesterday's run was uncertain because of the Air Speed Indicator's pitot tube working free, and hence the wheel RPM figures could not be verified. With the attendant risk that the speed achieved was lower - or higher - than believed, moving to the 550mph run profile could see a larger speed increment than is desirable at such speeds. The Design Team decided that the best option was to re-run the 500mph profile, following up with the 550mph one.
A number of additional movements were planned - as well as the usual BBC crew, the famous French photographer Alain Ernoult would be taking pictures for our sponsor Paris-Match from a helicopter, while Richard Noble would be escorting members of the press to see the start. The helicopter arrived at 0630 taking Nick Chapman as escort - and to ensure that it did not fly too low or too close to the car.
At 0730 ThrustSSC was in position with the engines started. The helicopter, having drifted into Andy Green's view, was moved back and the clearance was given to run:
"SSC, you are clear to roll."
The Aarooogaah! Alarm sounded three times as the dust rose through the haze to the south. Accelerating hard, ThrustSSC stormed past the spectators at the Desert Pits, reaching a peak of around 476mph before the parachute was deployed. The modifications had made a significant difference - although a small amount of instability was evident, it was considerably better than previous runs. As Andy Green later put it: "Only a further slight modification is now needed."
Slowing to a stand at Mile 2.5, ThrustSSC was quickly recovered and inspected by the North Team. No damage was found, and Andy was happy with the run. The Design Team quickly convened to go over the data and videos, and at 0815 Channel 2 crackled to life:
"All stations. That run was 475mph, 450 indicated [air speed]. A second run is authorised!"
Richard Noble was ecstatic: "A nice run. Very predictable. Nothing broke!"
At 0920 Firechase screamed down the outside of the track to Mile 5.5 - almost opposite the Pit Station.The second run was aiming to reach 515mph indicated air speed - a ground speed of around 540mph. At 0920 Andy gave the team almost exactly that - rising through the haze once more to peak at 510mph indicated, 540mph ground speed and giving the Pit Station spectators another excellent demonstration of ThrustSSC doing just what it was built to do.
The spectators were impressed: "It's smokin'" said Jodi. She and her travel companions are really enjoying their unexpected visit to the Jafr. Mike Sedman, Air Attaché at the Embassy was highly complimentary: "Having watched it last year your enthusiasm is impressive. The team's confidence has grown enormously. One feels the car is capable this year of what you say it can do. The car is going well, the track is good, and the team have a professional approach. It's an impressive performance! One has the feeling that you are going to do it."
ThrustSSC was recovered to the Aireshelta for inspection while the helicopter landed its passengers and departed for the nearby air base. The debrief in the Aireshelta was upbeat - ThrustSSC had performed well and the team had performed well. Subject to Nick Dove's team finding no problems with the car, yet more runs are planned for tomorrow before the team stands down for a short break. With almost all the prepared tracks used up, the team is set for a lot of fodding if any more runs are to be possible…
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