Thrust SSC - Mach 1 Club

Club Talk 4 - 10th November 1996

Thunder in the desert!

There is good news and bad news. Today the team has generally made very good progress with the tie down tests at Al Jafr. But sadly we had to say good bye to Duncan And Matthew, two Mach 1 Club members who returned to England today. We wish them the best and a safe journey.

Team and Mach 1 Club members 
(Team and Mach 1 Club members fodding. Photo: Jeremy Davey.)

Other Mach 1 Club members were all over the place last night on different duties. John and Jason left from Petra to meet a sponsor off the 1.00am plane into Amman. Due to navigational problems (he was asleep) they circled Petra for two hours and after finally finding the correct road the police took an interest in the vehicle. Mach 1 Club members tip of the day - don’t forget to clean your number plate after driving out of the dessert.

Neal and Murray were on the bread run and purchased 200 loaves (clearing the bakery out) for the teams provisions. Roger had another late night working on the car logos.

ThrustSSC with left engine on 
(ThrustSSC with left engine on reheat. Photo: Jeremy Davey.)

We all finally all met up at the test bed feeling all very anxious and eager to see the car burst into life at long last. We were not disappointed. The left engine test was carried out first and produced a very impressive performance. The combination of noise, vibration, and dust cloud left us speechless. The second engine produced equal performance. We saw the dancing diamonds from the afterburner. We are now all await the car's arrival on the desert with anticipation.

The afternoon was assigned to the never-ending task of fodding. We drifted out to the desert, passing the newly erected pit station area (see future editions of Club Talk for update). As we may have said previously, there is a rota for fodding. Today we were photographed by members of the press who were keen to document our every move. Leaving the desert today the dust kicked up by the vehicles hung in the still air. Visibility on the desert at times was down to zero and at other times clear. It almost appeared that a spooky mist had descended on the desert (very Hound of the Baskervilles).

Upon arrival at base camp, the car was being unloaded in readiness for the systems tests tomorrow. Once these tests have completed the car will depart for the desert where once again we hope to hear thunder across the desert.

Neal, John and Murray

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